306 South San Gabriel Blvd, Suite D. San Gabriel, CA 91776
 (626) 285-8815

These Mistakes Are All Too Common After a California Car Accident

These Mistakes Are All Too Common After a California Car Accident

When a person is hurt in a car accident, they aren’t necessarily thinking about how to get a reasonable personal injury compensation. They are attempting to recover from their bodily and psychological injuries. This is why it’s ideal to work with a personal injury lawyer: we can make sure you don’t make any mistakes that could jeopardize your case.

Continue reading to learn about three of the most common mistakes people make after being hurt in a vehicle accident. Then call DLC Law at (626) 285-8815 for a free legal consultation and to learn more about your choices.

Never accept responsibility

You should never acknowledge culpability for an accident, regardless of who you are speaking with. Even if you believe you are at fault, the truth is that fault is not as straightforward as it appears. Do not admit to being at blame to the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Do not admit to being at blame to a police officer on the spot. Do not even inform your best friend that you were the one who made the mistake.

Allow the evidence to speak for itself and reveal the truth. After an accident, shock might cause a victim to blame themselves for an accident that was not their fault in the least.

Do not put off seeing a doctor for weeks or months

In an ideal world, you would see a doctor or go to the emergency department as soon as possible following the injury. This will not only keep you healthy because your injury will be addressed straight away, but it will also assist you in proving your case. If you wait weeks – or even days – for care, the insurance company will almost certainly argue that you were not as hurt as you claim.

Do not use social media to discuss your injury

This is a strict rule that should not be disobeyed. It makes no difference if you don’t say anything that makes you suspect. It makes no difference if your account is set to private. The extent to which insurance companies will go in order to deny a claim will astound you. They can even utilize posts unrelated to your injury to demonstrate that you are not as hurt as you claim.

Your lawyer will assist you in avoiding these and other blunders

Contacting DLC Law at (626) 285-8815 is the greatest method to lessen your chances of making these or other blunders. When you engage with an experienced attorney, they can assist you avoid common blunders that could jeopardize your case’s outcome. Give us a call right now and we’ll get to work for you.

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